Lessons Learned

Learning and growing as a person is a never ending process, carrying on from birth to death. We are always presented with situations that give us opportunities to learn something new, whether that new thing be pleasant or less than so. This is reflective of Mcluhan’s concept of a Global Village.

This is so, because of the intersectionality of lessons learned throughout one’s life. If you exist, your experience, and if you experience, you learn. Everyone has stories to tell, something that they went through that taught them something, whether that be practical, comedic, or plain random. Every single human on earth had stories and experiences that make them unique.

Big Things

Watch your tongue

With the final project of this term, I aim to prove the point of a global village by talking about the stories and experiences that I have had throughout my life that have allowed me to learn different lessons that shaped me into the person I am today. I seek to do so by having 6 mini comics, each showing different prominent stories in my life that I can think of, where I learned a good lesson through means that most may seem irrelevant to the lesson learned.

Don’t repress yourself

Ignore the bullies

I want to show the observer that even if something seems mundane or comical, there can be lessons learned, and to not judge someone by the basis of their appearance, but by the content of their character through the stories they share.

good things will come to those who wait

don’t worry about what is out of your control.


  1. I really love the deep message and ideas your comics cover. The art style and the content create a very interesting unique feel. The short 4 panel layout a lot make it very easy for readers to take in your content.

  2. Thank you sharing your stories with us. The content and the drawing are easy to read and you created such a lively figure. After looking at the last page, I kept clicking the mouse and want to see the next page. Please do more!


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